Our 3rd Anniversary!

Thank you to all, both punters and equipment suppliers for your continued support of this website.

It’s been another big year in the real world, which has slowed down the review process somewhat. I’m hoping to return to an increased activity rate sometime soon in the near future. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

In the last twelve months, traffic to this site has totalled in the vicinity of 57500 views, averaging 158 views a day. This works out to about 4786 views a month.

For some strange reason, this is the same as the previous year. Although when looking at the actual raw data, it’s pretty obvious by looking at the graphs that there is change.


Once again, thank you all so much for your continued support. I look forward to enjoying more reviews and good times with you.

Is there any gear you’d like me to examine? Are there any suggestions from you, the great masses of my reading public to offer?

Look forward to hearing from you.

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