Seasons Greetings – 2021

Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.


If you’re working or deployed, please watch your flanks and stay safe. Know that we are thinking of you in these times.

It’s still been a rough time for many out there, and it’s my sincerest wish that things get better for you and your loved ones treading those more challenging paths.

I know for myself, another major corner in my life has been turned – for the better.

The last few years have been tough.
Marriage breakdown, divorce, job loss, unemployment for 12 months. It feels like I’ve gone through it all.


There have been moments where I honestly couldn’t tell you how much more I could take before complete and utter breakdown.
The only thing that I could say to myself to keep going was a variation of that old line from the service:
Mag on, pack on, march on. March or die.
Keep moving Forward!


Pushing through one challenge after another, for a few years (amazing how time dilation under stress makes it feel like decades) has been bloody hard.
As someone very dear to me expressed it:
I’ve taken some serious beatings and not stopped.


Besides the huge effort of just putting one foot in front of the other, is the realization that I need to care for myself. I’m no good to anyone as a non-functioning casualty.
It’s been a maturing moment to pull myself up at the right time and admit that maybe to continue pushing forward isn’t going to be good for me, my kids or anyone around me.


So this year has been much, much better:
A new job, returning to an old industry.
This gives me serious options for setting up my own place, out from under my parents feet.


My personal life is moving ahead leaps and bounds in a great direction with a very special person.


My kids are in a great place, with a comfortable settlement into routine between two homes.


I’m very conscious of the support from so many in my orbit. I am extremely grateful for the people around me, friends and family.
I can’t thank so many of you enough for that support. The welfare checks, conversation, allowing me to vent, simple human interaction, as well as mentoring and moral support has been instrumental in my successful transition to a new reality.
You know who you are, I can’t thank you enough.



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