Industry News – Mystery Ranch

It’s been mentioned to me that Mystery Ranch has just released their military catalogue for 2012.


Check out the link here:


There’s some very interesting armour solutions such as removable bolsters to allow even more of their line to be worn with combat body armour, and a new BASE (Body Armour Support Equipment) that will enable any armour carrier to be more ergonomic via hip loading, whilst still retaining the utility of that armour system and interface with other equipment like pack harnesses.

This BASE system effectively turns the armour carrier into a load bearing harness and is something I was speaking with the Mystery Ranch crew at SHOT this year. Getting the fighting load fully integrated with as an ergonomic system that won’t needlessly injure soldiers (most especially joint inuries) whilst  still being effective for executing the duties of a soldier (ie. laying effective fire on bad people in order to kill them) has been a personal passion of mine for many years.


I’m reliably informed that a copy of the new BASE will be available for review by myself in the very near future.

Keep watching this space.

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