So… you think you can design? (Part 2)

Just a quick update.

You may recall my post from late last year?

This one:



Well, to keep you all in the loop.


Initial concept drawings were completed – these are the sort of things executed on the back of a napkin/serviette with a crayon.

I had grand plans to do some plans and drawings by hand. A great idea, until the realisation that I haven’t done any technical drawing since highschool (about 20 years ago) and that I really suck at drawing – it was no joke during my service as an infantry soldier that crayons were more my style.

The next big idea was to make a model. You guessed it, I have the coordination of a drunken cow.

The Dark Lords have seen to smile on me though, with some fortuitous networking putting me in touch with a wizard CAD draftsman.

It’s great to have him on the team, and it’s a great opportunity to work with, develop and mentor a young man just starting out in project work and product development that I’ve managed to pick up along the way in the last two decades of professional industry experience.

So, what is happening now?

My rough concept drawings are in the process of being deciphered and translated into electronic 3D CAD format.

The next phase will be design maturation and development before moving onto two phases of prototyping and certification.

Exciting times are ahead. It’s a ray of hope and sunshine, something to focus on besides a lacklustre professional/work life at the moment.

Keep following along, I think it’s going to be a hell of a ride.

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