REVIEW – Green Can Lockers

ITEM: Green Can Locker Hardware Kit
MANUFACTURER: Captain Johns Green Can Locker
Aftermarket hardware that allows a surplus ammunition liner (ammo can) to be locked up with a small padlock.

This was kindly supplied by the Australian distributor for this product. We’d like to thank them for their support of this website.
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Included in the kit is:
1. 0.5inch solid steel stainless stud
2. Large washer
3. Small washer
4. Rubber washer
5. Grade 8 nylon lock nut
6. Step-by-step installation instructions

Installation of the locker plug was exactly as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
Even for uncoordinated quamby like myself, this was an easy task.
It’s actually simplicity itself to mark the desired drill point in the liner with a half inch drill bit, then drill a pilot hole with a smaller bit.

Marking and measuring:



Drilling the pilot hole:


Once the pilot hole is complete, the half inch bit can be used to finish the hole.

Insert the threaded locker stud, place the rubber backed washer (rubber towards the wall of the liner/can and then screw on the nylon locker nut.




Viola! Job done, return to base for gin and caviar.
It’s small little after-market kits like this, made by small and micro businesses that can make life so much easier.
The American manufacturer is a recreational shooter and apparently an old, injured fireman.
Ammunition liners (or ammo boxes in the common vernacular) are very popular for their cheapness, common availability, and strong weatherproof construction.
The kit provides much needed added security in a cheap, yet efficient format to a very common container in widespread use in many industries.
I can see this upgrade kit being very useful for anyone who uses ammunition liners on a regular basis and wishes to prevent sticky fingers from taking inventory of your gear.
A really nice little kit to create your own secure containers. Best of all, they’re really easy on the wallet.

Posted in Civilian, Military, Miscellaneous Equipment, Weapons usage and accessories by with 2 comments.

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