Seasons Greetings – 2018

It’s the end of another year.  


Let us, the team here at Packs and Beyond wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. 


It’s been a pretty tough year around these parts. 

My professional life has stabilized. There has even been some wins for Packs and Beyond with increased consulting opportunities.

Unfortunately, my private life has taken a hit with the implosion of my marriage, which has had a direct impact on writing and publishing equipment reviews. 


As many of you who know me personally are aware of: I do my best writing whilst being happy. Since I haven’t been as happy as usual, my writing has suffered. 

I’ll use this opportunity to get on my soapbox and remind anyone and everyone that they’re not alone, nor are they islands when the bad times in life occur, especially as the silly season is now upon us. 


I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to lean heavily on my family, friends and tribe to get me through these difficult times. I implore any one of you reading this to do similar should you be experiencing any difficulties. Reach out to your mates, and don’t be afraid to say you need a hand, or a shoulder. Your tribe will help carry you, especially if you’ve carried them before – as so many of us paramilitary and outdoor types have. 


2019 is promising to be an improvement over 2018. It will be a time to heal my hurts and move forward. 

To that end, SHOT Show is coming up at the end of January. That is promising to be a cathartic week spent with close friends unwinding and relaxing. Along the way, I’ll also get to see some cool gear to tell you all about. 


I’m also planning a few more trip reports: walks and even a kayak trip – something I haven’t done for a long time. 

So thank you everyone for your service to your country and community. Thank you for your fellowship, mateship and for sharing the ride. 

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 



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