Christmas Wishes – 2020

It’s been a pretty rough year for many.


After losing a dream role in April due to the pandemic, I’ve been unemployed for most of it, living in my parents place.

I can only hope that 2021 brings positive change to all of you.


Despite the negativity of the year, it’s been an excellent chance to appreciate what I do have:

My family is in good health.


I’m in rude good health and have had ample opportunity to annoy and torment my detractors.


I’ve been able to spend quality time with my daughters. The last week with my girls at my place has been particularly soul cleansing.


I’ve been able to spend quality time with old mates, lending a hand where needed (especially helping a few move house), and breaking bread with good times.


I’ve been able to meet more of you whom I’ve only interacted with online, face to face for the first time. Putting faces to names/callsigns is one of the most pleasurable moments in life.


So let me take this opportunity to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

May all of you be able to enjoy and make the most of the Festive Season, and enjoy some time with loved ones.


Mental health notice:

I keep banging on about this, and I will continue to do so.


If you’re doing it tough this festive season… do not bloody hesitate to reach out to mates and/or support.

We’re not bloody islands. We are beautiful, gregarious creatures.


I’m looking forward to a good whiskey and cigar with family and mates.

Hope you get opportunity as well.

Merry Christmas to you all.



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