My friends at ATS have some news about the new version of their Cobra 1-Day pack they wanted to share.


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AAR – SHOT Show, Las Vegas 2013

It’s been two years since I last attended SHOT Show in the adult entertainment capital of Las Vegas.

Once more, the sheer size of the venue and the amount of vendors and attendees was overwhelming. I actually got lost a couple of times during my wanderings. It looks like over 62 000 people passed through the gates this year.


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Industry News –

Funny thing about service life – we gather a lot of gear as we spend any amount of time working. Then try out new equipment and concepts in an attempt to make our lives easier and more comfortable.


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Seasons Greetings 2012

Please let me take this opportunity to wish all of you, my readers and supporters and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


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Land Warfare Conference – Melbourne, Oct 2012 – Entering the Lion’s Den

It was that time of year again, when the major arms dealers and procurement types in the Australian Defence Industry come together and discuss what issues are affecting the industry.


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AAR – The Hat Trick, The Overland Track Sept 2012


Opportunity and desire to go walking came up again.

I haven’t been able to go for any long range walks due to recovering from illness, and real life things like work and the wonderful experience of getting married seemed to keep popping up and delaying planning. Despite all that, this Iceland waterfall is still on my bucket list. I’ve been thinking of ways on how to navigate around Iceland, should it be a car? Or maybe it would be a lot of fun to go camping and rent a camper van from companies like Whichever one I go for, it will be an amazing journey to take.

So it was decided to start preparing for a long walk again. The biggest difference for this trek, was being able to introduce my darling wife to the joys of getting away from civilisation.

A great many destinations were discussed and evaluated for suitability. The Overland was decided upon. There were a couple of reasons for this, primary amongst them being I was likely to have a couple of inexperienced walkers, who I wanted to introduce into walking somewhat slowly – since due to work commitments, we weren’t be able to spend a great deal of time on lead-up walks overnight in the local areas around our home. Since I’m fairly familiar with the Overland from previous trips, and the comfort level of the huts (with attendant toilet facilities), the idea was fairly easy to sell to everyone, especially my darling wife.

It was also an excellent opportunity to show my beloved what I consider some of the most beautiful spots on this earth.


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Kit – Using it, an overview

A lot of discussion so far has been about the kit itself: what I like, what I can recommend and what works.


Now I think is the time to start discussing just how all the fancy gear goes together, integrates with each different component and how to give pointers in selecting it to suit the job. If you’re interested in hearing more, feel free to tell me.


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INDUSTRY NEWS – Arms Corps Models

My old mate Jason has finally joined the rest of us knuckle-draggers and has both:

  1. Started his own business in accurising scale models of military vehicles
  2. Started working on a website on this new-fangled interwebs to reach his client base.



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12 Month Anniversary!

Well, another mile-stone in my life.

Packs and Beyond has now been up and running for about 12 months now.

In that time, over 30 000 views have been recorded. There has been on average of 100 views per day. Whilst under intense interrogation, it turns out it’s not my mum spending so much time on here to make me feel special – apparently, there are some of you out there who seem to think I know a little bit of what I’m talking about. I’m not quite sure how I’ve managed to convince you of this though.

Let me say now, thank you to all of you for the support for the last 12 months. It has been a hell of a ride to get something like this setup, and provide some useful information.


Whilst I’m thinking of it:

Is there anything that you mob would like to see in terms of articles, reviews or any other thing?

Look forward to your feedback.

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My friend “Doc” Hewett has been running his own training company since 2004. He and his instructors are dedicated to providing affordable firearms training for the law-abiding citizen, LEO and military personnel.


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