Sneak Peek – AttackPAK

We’ve spoken of our friends at AttackPAK previously.
We met them a couple of years ago at SHOT Show, and they’ve done us a huge favour by sending a Defender Sustainment pack for evaluation and review.



At first, it looks like any other hip loading pack.
But closer examination reveals the hip belt is easily removable. The pack frame has a carbon fiber tail that ticks into a pocket on the hip belt.

The benefits of this should be obvious to anyone who has ever had to carry a working load separate to the pack – such as that experienced by many infanteers who have received such wonderful orders as “DROP PACK!”.

I’m really looking forward to giving this technology a run. It’s arrived just in time for commencement of the years training activities.

Posted in Blog, Civilian, Long Range, Military, Specialist by with no comments yet.

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