SNEAK PEEK – Woody’s Wynda

It was at LandForces Conference earlier this year that we were fortunate to meet and have a chinwag with the team behind Woody’s Wyndas.

They’re another small local business from out Roma way that we’re always happy to bump into as we travel around the traps.

They were displaying a great little product of their own devising:

A hand winder for cargo straps.


Some worksites have specific SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) or SWP’s (Safe Work Practices) about how cargo straps are stored and secured.

Some of us are losing dexterity in our hands as age, arthritis and injury start mounting up.


And some of us are always going to appreciate a little do-dad to make life easier.


So this little Wynda offers a solution for those who want to rapidly roll up cargo straps.

Australian designed and made by three blokes who have spent a lot of time on the job site and put their heads together to make things easier.

Check them out at:

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