SNEAK PEEK: Kondalilla Falls and the DG-3 Slick

Thanks to our old friends and long time supporters at Crossfire Australia, we had an opportunity to try out a new pack.
The DG-3 Slick is an internal frame, less “tactical” looking pack for those wanting to look a little bit less obvious, or just not needing external pouch capability.

Check it out at:





Kondalilla Falls is based on the Sunshine Coast here in Queensland.
The name comes from the Aboriginal word meaning ‘rushing waters’ and describes this park’s waterfall during the summer wet season.

Vegetation changes from dense eucalyptus forest to rainforest.
A multitude of wildlife is present (over 100 bird species, 70 species of reptiles and 30 species of frogs).

The rock pools offer wonderfully scenic relief from Queensland summer heat.

Enjoy the pictures!







At the end of the walk, we were able to enjoy some live music and good food at the Eco Resort!

Life is good!




Posted in Civilian, Crossfire, Packs & Webbing, Short Trip, Trip Log by with no comments yet.

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