A Group Shot or…. I emptied my shed!

A challenge was set awhile back by someone who didn’t believe me when I said I have “a few packs”.

This is after doing a decent cull of the herd last year too.

So what do we have here?



21x packs of various types/sizes

1x satchel (HRO)

3x sets of chest webbing (I know there’s another set of belt webbing somewhere in the shed)

2x plate carriers


Can anyone pick what I’ve got in the line-up?

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Sneak Peek – AttackPAK

We’ve spoken of our friends at AttackPAK previously.
We met them a couple of years ago at SHOT Show, and they’ve done us a huge favour by sending a Defender Sustainment pack for evaluation and review.


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Christmas Wishes – 2020

It’s been a pretty rough year for many.


After losing a dream role in April due to the pandemic, I’ve been unemployed for most of it, living in my parents place.

I can only hope that 2021 brings positive change to all of you.


Despite the negativity of the year, it’s been an excellent chance to appreciate what I do have:


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Social Credit Score = 0


A data point for us all.
I’ve just copped a 24hr ban for breaching Farcebook “community standards”.

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Christmas Wishes – 2019

Let us here at Packs and Beyond take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



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So, my fellow scout leader Hawk had a brilliant thought:

We should walk the Oxfam Trailwalker.



Oxfam Trailwalker is a challenging event that changes lives. Oxfam Trailwalker Brisbane, 21-23 June 2019, sees teams walking 100km or 55km through the beautiful D’Aguilar National Park.



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SHOT Show 2018 – Part 3

Alright then, we’re up to Part 3 of my report from SHOT Show.


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SHOT Show 2018 – Part 2

Just like last year, I’m planning on presenting my observations of SHOT show products and companies in several parts. Both to make it easier to write and digest for you, the reader.
Let me know if you like this format.



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SHOT Show 2018 – Part 1

SHOT Show 2018 was held in Las Vegas from the 23rd to the 26th of January this year.
As per last year, Packs and Beyond was acting as an ambassador for Crossfire Australia (http://crossfire.com.au/). We would like to thank Crossfire Australia once more for this great opportunity.


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Seasons Greetings – 2017

It’s that time of year again everyone.


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