REVIEW – Wilderness Equipment Slipstream Plus

ITEM: Slipstream Plus

MANUFACTURER: Wilderness Equipment


A smaller canvas daypack for cycling or walking, with unique zip access.


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Mail Call!

Mail call!


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Training time!

The DG-3 club went for a training walk around Kangaroo Point last night.

I’m very pleased that my body is back in the groove.
6 klicks completed in 1:04hrs with >16kg penalty weight.
I need to weigh my pack to find out just how heavy it is.


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Zen Breathing

An opportunity for a Friday arvo Zen breathing session came up last week.
It was a bit bloody wet though…



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Mail call!

Mail call!
A couple of new books have arrived.


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The end of another year looms closer.

I would like to take this opportunity wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

It has been pretty big around here.

It has been a time for consolidation and catching breath.


Professionally, I’m back on track employed and working some big projects.

Personal life is moving forward in leaps and bounds.

For this place, we’ve kicked some goals with the latest LandForces Conference, which was a great chance to meet and offer possibilities of working together.

Stay safe and watch your flanks, wherever you may be.

Enjoy the time off with friends and family. Time spent with family and loved ones is irreplaceable, as at least a few families are discovering as we speak.



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Mental Health, Or… How I Learnt to Love the (C-) Bomb

This is a hard one for me. 

I’m planning on getting deep and meaningful. Possibly exposing my soul to the world. 

I’ll be painfully frank: I am nowhere near a mental health professional. Please bear this in mind. 

Most of this will be simply my own experience and outlook. It may not be the best solution recommended by mental health professionals. 

Our tribe – military, emergency services and the hard industries – traditionally do pretty badly at recognizing and acknowledging mental health and the impact it has on us, our lives and our families. 

This is at an individual, collective and institutional level. 


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Sneak Peek – Ammunition Carriage

For many years in my youth, I was spoiled with detachable box magazines and the conveniences they brought into my life.

Detachable box magazines are great for ease of use and protecting ammunition from the rigors and knocks of everyday field life.


Posted in Civilian, Weapons usage and accessories by with 2 comments.

The Cheerleader – Refurbishment Part 1

For those who have been following along for the last couple of months, Part 1 of the Cheerleader refurb project is complete.



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On a weekend when my girls were over, we did a camp fire to roast some marshmallows.


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