
I have some amazing news and opportunity for you all.

A well known, upstanding, popular commercial designer and longtime supporter to this site has commenced a project to provide the best possible fully specialist packs. In this case, a medic pack.

What is going to be done here, is the initial brainstorming and consumer questioning. Hence, a unique opportunity is provided to you, the followers of Packs and Beyond to provide some input into the design of this medic pack.


Intended use:

Combined carriage of medic’s aid bag and sustainment load for long range dismounted operations.



  • Separate and/or detachable medic aid bag (end-users choice) from sustainment load. Commercial equivalent: Mystery Ranch Crewcab (Review seen HERE). This would allow a decent sustainment load to be carried, in addition to the required aid bag, in a very easy to access, simple and effective manner.

This is the preferred option.


  • Complete integrated solution, with detachable aid bag component. I foresee several issues with this though, as personal taste, an inability cater to every unit/individual SOP or requirement, as well as a lack of personal knowledge on medic loads and requirements.

Factors to consider:

  • Frame harness – ignore this one, since it has already been chosen, and it is world-leading technology and quality.
  • Accessibility and security of the load.

  • External stowage/pouches: fixed pouches or MOLLE compatible?
  • Daypack lid for other daily items, rather than medical. Or could it be used for other medical supplies if desired.


Would it be useful to be able to piggy-back the daypack lid onto the medic aid bag on removal, so that the medic has options for cold weather clothing, water, NBC PPE when the pack is dropped? Something to consider.


Addendum: I’m not to sure about this one, since I was more of a living, breathing (screaming) training aid for medics as opposed to being a care giver.


So, what I’m envisioning with this pack, is as follows:

Platoon/Coy on patrol, walking through the J to clear the En, or through a village to press the flesh.


Explosions/shots ring out, everyone goes through their drills and watching their arcs.

It’s when the screaming starts and people start calling for the Doc, that the medic will drop pack, pull his aid bag and go to work.

When everything has calmed down, casualty/s have been CASEVAC’ed and the unit goes back on task, the medic clips his aid bag back onto his pack gets back to stomping.

So, what do you seek in a pack as a medic?

We look forward to hearing your feedback.



Posted in Blog, Civilian, Military, Packs & Webbing, Specialist by with 1 comment.

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