Trip Report – Labour Day Long Weekend

I managed to get away for a couple of nights over the long weekend.


It was just perfect to sit down at a remote camp and disconnect from electronics and re-connect with the environment.
No plans, no requirements, no worries.



Wildlife was fairly prevalent with plenty of birds (kookaburra, magpie, corella, budgerigar), rock wallabies, several hares and a young buck seen on the way in.

After last month’s effort of shooting my first deer, the healthy looking, well built spiker buck seen whilst driving in had me chomping at the bit to de-bus and chase him down. Unfortunately he escaped onto private property that I wasn’t able to access.

The first night was just magical.
Listening to the nearby creek burble away as my MSR stove cooked up a scrumptious dinner of field expedient quesadilla with Japanese prawn dumplings was just the perfect way to watch the sun go down.


A couple of hours to catch up on reading had me in the mood for a good sleep.


The next day was just great to sit, meditate and conduct some deep thinking.


I almost didn’t want to drive home!


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